Paddle - BWCA, Quetico, Sylvania, and other paddling places

Quetico Portage 5671

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Approximate Length:
404m (80 rods)


Climb/Descent Meters:

"Hilliness" Index

# of Comments:

On 5/28/2024 4:19:27 PM, sns said:
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The center bog is not too bad - the corduroy work is pretty good. However there are still about four or five gaps that require sidestepping or bravery. One of our crew stepped off the corduroy & sunk one whole leg in while carrying our heaviest pack...he was in up to the family jewels. The rest of the portage is nothing too special - just the length to deal with.
On 7/21/2023 1:13:38 PM, nabor617 said:
Visit Date:

The western path of the southern fork is the "encouraged" route maintained by the rangers. We took the eastern fork and it was far more rugged and ungroomed. I believe the park is working toward closing the eastern fork overtime through disuse. The bog section has been greatly improved since the last time I went through. Perpendicular logs tightly laid create a nice path for getting through this part. I expect they will last 8 yrs.
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